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Question To The Imam
  • $76 Собрано
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Старт проекта 07 Қан 2018

Many users HalalGuide know about the project “Question to the Imam”. This project helps all people find answers to questions of religious subjects. Why need a way to ask questions to Imams online? There are several reasons. First, some issues can be associated with personal life situations that do not want to put on public display. And because many of the questions remain unanswered because of the fear of human being misunderstood. With our online service about it won't need to worry. Secondly, Imams allocate only a certain amount of his time to questions of the parishioners. If in Your community there is no mosque with the Imam well versed in the topic, the organization of a personal meeting may prove to be a problem. Meanwhile, to select the Imam to read about it, ask him a question and receive an individual response from anywhere in the world. Only need access to the Internet “Question to the Imam”.You can ask question through a mobile application HalalGuide under “Worship.” halalguide.me/app


The project is important and necessary, no question about it. And we posted it here because it needs funding. Any work should be paid, and work on transfer of knowledge including. Depending on the number of questions the Imam can spend a few hours a day to prepare the qualitative and reliable answers. We didn't want to do the questions themselves pay, because knowledge should be as free. And the questions will remain free. But we will pay our partners and try to keep it going. You can join us in this, dividing our expenses. Maybe after this project You have found answers to their questions, or want to be found by someone else- in any case, welcome! "Those who have been given knowledge see that what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, which leads to the path of the Mighty, the praised one". (SV.Quran

  • $76 Собрано
  • $479 Осталось
  • 39 Cпонсоров
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Старт проекта 07 Қан 2018